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Operating system

Last updated Oct 20, 2022

A collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for application software. Designed to support a computer’s basic functions. Often provides a graphical user interface for the user to interact with the OS.

# Kinds of OSs

# Type of OS

Often comes as two kinds of operating systems:

# Open-source and closed-source OSs

Operating systems may also vary in whether they are open source; the Linux OS and most distributions based off it are open-source, whereas Windows and macOS are examples of proprietary OSs.

# Multi-tasking and multi-user OSs

A multi-tasking OS allows more than one program to run at the same time in a computer. Users will be able to:

A multi-user OS allows multiple users concurrently logging into the computer. The OS will need to handle:

Based on the definitions above:

Operating SystemIs a multi-user OS?Is a multi-tasking OS?
Windows ServerYesYes

# How it works

Operating systems work with other components in a computer to fully make use of a computer’s resources and function well. These components include:

# Functions

Generally has four important functions: