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Database design

Last updated Oct 21, 2022

The process of coming up with entities and models to be used in a future database. Considered a critical process in the planning and development of a database for use.

# Terminologies

EntityAn object (e.g., people and items) of which is to be captured and modelled into a database
Weak entityAn entity that does not have any key attributes of its own and can only be identified by relating it to an owner entity
AttributeA property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to the organisation or business area (that the database is being built for)
RelationshipAn association between the instances of one or more entities of interest to the organisation

Example For a Salesperson entity, the employee number, name, date of birth, gender, and email address are examples of relevant attributes to the person.

# Keys

Keys are used to identify a record in a table. They are unique to each record and there are different kinds of keys:

# Models

Conceptual database models are used to give a brief overview of what entities a database has and the relationships the entities have with each other. Like flowcharts, shapes resemble different things in the model.

The entity-relationship model (ER model) is a commonly used model used to sketch out and visualise the relationships entities have with one another in a database.